The cause of the zoot suit riots was mainly racism against Mexican Americans. -students escorted in armed trucks Unable to find any zoot-suiters at Alpine, they proceeded toward downtown and stopped at the Carmen Theater. Through 1942-1943, the Zoot-Suiters were portrayed as criminals by who? What were some tensions that led to strained relationships between sailors and Zoot suiters? The Zoot Suit Riots of 1943. The zoot suit provided young African American and Mexican youth a sense of individualistic identity within their cultures and society as they discovered highly charged emotional and symbolic meaning through the movement, music, and dress. Most legitimate tailoring companies ceased to manufacture or advertise any suits that fell outside the War Production Board's guidelines. b) What is the probability that none responded "Poor"? Anti-Mexi-can riots. Mexican and Mexican American youths who wore these outfits were called zoot-suiters. The LAPD rounded up ____ young men and women, most Mexican-American, as a result to the death. Young men wore zoot suitsa flamboyant long jacket with baggy pegged pants, sometimes accessorized with a pork pie hat, a long watch chain, and thick-soled shoes. Who was involved in this committee? Similar incidents took place that same year in cities such as Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit. Their official position was that their men were acting in self-defense. Many young people today wear zoot suits.. The Sleepy Lagoon, as it was nicknamed, was one of the larger reservoirs outside the city of Los Angeles. The number of attacks dwindled, and the rioting had largely ended by June 10. Mobs of U.S. servicemen took to the streets and began attacking Latinos and stripping them of their suits, leaving them bloodied and half-naked on the sidewalk. While the 1992 riots revealed police brutality and discrimination against the Los Angeles Black community, the Zoot Suit riots illustrate how unrelated social pressuressuch as warcan expose and inflame long-suppressed racism into violence even in a city as racially diverse as the City of Angels. There were also reports of Mexican American youths requesting to be arrested and locked up in order to protect themselves from the servicemen in the streets. The Zoot Suit Riots were a series of violent conflicts that occurred from June 3 to June 8, 1943, in Los Angeles, California, during which U.S. servicemen attacked young Latinos and other minorities who wore zoot suitsoutfits featuring balloon-legged trousers and long coats with wide lapels and exaggeratedly padded shoulders. This behavior was often said to have been a divergence from the expected feminine beauty and manners of the middle-class. near Sleepy Lagoon. As the riots died down, California Gov. -City council banned Zoot Suits. The Navy and Marine Corps command staffs intervened on June 8 to reduce the attacks, confining sailors and Marines to barracks and ordering that Los Angeles be declared off-limits to all military personnel; this was enforced by Navy Shore Patrol personnel. pauline hanson dancing with the stars; just jerk dance members; what happens if a teacher gets a dui Streetcars were halted while Mexicans, and some Filipinos and Negroes, were jerked from their seats, pushed into the streets and beaten with a sadistic frenzy. Mexican and Mexican American youths who wore these outfits were called zoot-suiters. How did black and white reactions to the rumor escalate and spread? They would cheer on the sailors and helped them as the riot progressed because they believed the Zoot suitors were taking over. [1] Many post-war civil rights activists and authors, such as Luis Valdez, Ralph Ellison, and Richard Wright, have said they were inspired by the Zoot Suit Riots. There were regulations prohibiting the manufacturing of zoot suits, but a network of bootleg tailors continued to manufacture them. In August 1942, the United States negotiated the Bracero Program with Mexico, which allowed millions of Mexican citizens to enter and temporarily remain in the U.S. while working under short-term labor contracts. The Zoot Suit Riots were a series of riots[1] that took place from June 38, 1943 in Los Angeles, California, United States, involving American servicemen stationed in Southern California and young Latino and Mexican American city residents. As a result, many U.S. servicemen and civilians viewed the zoot suit itself as harmful to the war effort, and the young Latino pachucos who wore them as un-American. Coleman continued, walking past two zoot suiters when the sailor turned and grabbed the arm of one of the young men. While peace had been mostly restored by June 10, similar racially-motivated anti-zoot suit violence occurred over the next few weeks in other cities, including Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia. -Rebellious nature of the Jazz culture, rejected segregation. The other five defendants were convicted of assault. Blacks and Filipinoseven those not clad in zoot suitswere also attacked. After turning on the house lights, the sailors roamed the aisles looking for zoot-suiters. The "Sleepy Lagoon murder" was the name that Los Angeles newspapers used to describe the death of Jos Gallardo Diaz, on the morning of August 2, 1942. In contrast, very few sailors and soldiers were arrested during the riots. The riots seemed to have been initiated by the zoot suiters based on the LA Daily news article The Zoot riots were caused by the US servicemen going out and attacking the zoot suiters According to this It blamed the zoots suiters for the violence They blamed the marine, police and popular media for initiating and approving of the violence American servicemen and white Angelenos attacked and stripped children, teenagers, and youths who wore zoot suits, ostensibly because they considered the outfits, which were made from large amounts of fabric, to be unpatriotic during World War II. [22] The regulations effectively forbade the manufacture of the wide-cut zoot suits and full women's skirts or dresses. The ones blamed for the violence were the Zoot Suit rioter because they were going around beating up people that were not on their side. How did the Axis Powers respond to the riot? Eduardo Obregon Pagn. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. -at first, mostly sailors According to La Daily News what occurred in Watts? What accounts for its success in inspiring people through so many generations? [18] In 1943, the committee issued its report; it determined racism to be a central cause of the riots, further stating that it was "an aggravating practice (of the media) to link the phrase zoot suit with the report of a crime". What was the zoot suit a symbol of quizlet? . To achieve a 26% cut-back in the use of fabrics, the WPB issued regulations for the manufacture of what Esquire magazine called, "streamlined suits by Uncle Sam". Japanese propaganda broadcasts accused the U.S. government of ignoring the brutality of U.S. Marines toward Mexicans. Racial tensions at the time had been heightened by the Sleepy Lagoon murder trial, involving the 1942 slaying of a young Latino man in a Los Angeles barrio. Chapter 25 section 4: the home front Flashcards | Quizlet Chapter 17 Section 4: The Home Front. One local Los Angeles newspaper included a story of two young women who had allegedly been abducted in downtown and raped in a "zoot suit orgy". Pachocos were intimidating they had taken over. -drove in front of the Naval Armory hurling insults Both were injured around the sleepy lagoon area, a zoot suit was a Chicano male dressed with a suit with high waisted, wide legged, tight cuffed, pegged trousers, and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders during the 1940's. During this period, the immense war buildup attracted tens of thousands of new workers to factories and shipyards in the West Coast, including African Americans from the South in the second wave of the Great Migration. d) Describe why you think that assumption is reasonable. -population explosion in California: mid westerners, Mexican refugees, African Americans, and Dust Bowl victims. The riots started after __________claimed they were attacked by a group of Mexican American Zoot-Suiters? 121 writers online. -Military men on leave. No . -Los Angeles paper a guide on how to "d-zoot" a Zoot Suiter What were The Citizens Committee findings? Get custom essay. -Citizens committee: racism Omissions? While a committee appointed by the governor of California concluded that the attacks had been motivated by racism, Los Angeles Mayor Bowron contended that Mexican juvenile delinquents had caused the riots. Wartime patriotism didnt help matters: After the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the U.S. entry into World War II, wool and other textiles were subject to strict rationing. -was loud and bold. How did people react to these shifts in society? -Whites thrown a black woman and her baby over the Belle Isle Bridge These zoot suits were worn by the Mexican youth who were accused of murder on August 2, 1942. Some servicemen and others in the community felt that the continued wearing of zoot suits represented the youths' public flouting of rationing regulations. Both riots were caused by tensions created when large numbers of people from a minority group migrated or immigrated to a city during the war. Zoot Suit riots during the wartime summer of 1943. It was caused by the murder of Jose Diaz (one of the pachucos), Who: Jose Diaz was a pachuco. The Zoot Suit Riots: Causes, Significance, and Legacy. The next day, as many as 200 uniformed sailors, seeking revenge, took taxis and buses to the Mexican American barrio section of East Los Angeles. political activists, educators, congress men. 600. Now the main fear of the officials caused by the riots concerned the relationship between the United States and Mexico, mainly because of the Southern California economy's dependence on Mexican labour . Who wrote the article about Harold tabor getting attacked? By the time a record called "Zoot Suit Riot," by the swing-revival band the Cherry Poppin' Daddies, became a hit in the late-'90s, the suit's provenance had largely been forgotten. Remembering the Zoot Suit Riots: California Historical Society. On the basis of the news reports, more and more people began to believe that the Mexican American youths, particularly the zoot-suiters, were predisposed to committing crime. On your paper, complete the following words by adding the ieieie or eieiei that is needed. What tensions caused the Zoot Suit Riots? [18] In 1943, many servicemen resented the sight of young Latinos wearing zoot suits after clothing restrictions had been published, especially as most came from areas of the country with little experience or knowledge of Mexican-American culture.[where? Despite these wartime restrictions, many bootleg tailors in Los Angeles, New York and elsewhere continued to make the popular zoot suits, which used profligate amounts of fabric. Media coverage of the incidents then started to spread, inducing more people to join in the mayhem. What opinion do you think OBrien has about the soldiers, the war, and, specifically, Lieutenant Cross? Included coming terms with briand apush quizlet credit was offensive and legalism and he was against american troops from the united states use of the depression. What societal, racial issues in Detroit existed prior to the riots? In 1943, the committee issued its report; it determined racism to be a central cause of the riots, further stating that it was "an aggravating practice . According to this document, what caused the Zoot Suit riots? The local media was only too happy to fan the flames of racism and moral outrage: On June 2, 1943, the Los Angeles Times reported: Fresh in the memory of Los Angeles is last years surge of gang violence that made the zoot suit a badge of delinquency. Many scholars exclude the pachuca narrative in major events in the Chicano movement. The June 1943 riots took their name from the baggy suits worn by many minority youths during that era, but the violence was more about racial tension than fashion. Although Tenney claimed he had evidence the riots were "[A]xis-sponsored", no evidence was ever presented to support this claim. What were some tensions that led to strained relationships between sailors and Zoot suiters? The next morning one of the partygoers, Jos Daz, was dead. On the night of August 1, 1942, zoot-suiters were involved in a fight at a party near the Sleepy Lagoon. It reemerged in the late 1960s with the rise of the Chicano Rights Movement, and as a sort of retro fashion in the early 1990s with the revival of swing music and dance. The Zoot Suit Riots was a series of street fights between groups of U.S. servicemen and zoot suit-wearing young Latinos and other minorities that occurred during World War II, from June 3 to June 8, 1943, in Los Angeles, California. During the period from 1942 through 1943, the news media continued to portray the zoot-suiters as dangerous gang members who were capable of murder. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The sleepy Lagoon Trial, Jose Diaz, The Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee and more. Who else got involved with the defense committee? A zoot suit is a men's suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed, pegged trousers, and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders. -Roxy Theater: many black movie-goers National Archives, Richard Nixon Library/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. This Mexican Repatriation mass deportation was justified by the assumption that Mexican immigrants were filling jobs that should have gone to American citizens affected by the depression. The servicemen were also portrayed in local news publications as heroes fighting against what was referred to as a Mexican crime wave. -LA police did nothing to protect the MA neighborhoods that servicemen attacked. These feelings, along with racial tensions in general and local Latinos disgust over the Sleepy Lagoon murder, eventually boiled over into the Zoot Suit Riots. All 17 defendants were released from prison with their criminal record expunged. How were Jose Diaz and Hank Leyvas involved in the Sleepy Lagoon case? Longley, Robert. The verdict of this trial was 17 defendants were pronounced guilty. While many people had been injured, no one was killed in the riots. Why was Daniel Malone taken into custody? Ignoring the protests of the patrons, the . Despite the rationing laws, bootleg tailors, including many in Los Angeles, continued to turn out the popular zoot suits, which used copious quantities of rationed fabrics. [24] While the mobs had first targeted only pachucos, they also attacked African Americans in zoot suits who lived in the Central Avenue corridor area. Now, it is establishing a similar system for local television ratings. The nine defendants were convicted at trial and sentenced to long prison terms. What were the Zoot suits? [30], Pachucas and Chicanas were less referred to in the media, partly because they threatened the gender and sexuality norms that existed at the time. Restrictions on wool had a direct effect on the manufacture of wool suits and other clothing. Still, the zoot suit had lasting influence and the riots were a pivotal moment in Mexican American history. Between 1942 and 1967, over four million Mexicans and Puerto Ricans were contracted by the United States under the, Same-sex marriage (laws and issues prohibiting), Learn how and when to remove this template message, United States and Latin-American countries, History of the Mexican Americans in Los Angeles, List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States, "Los Angeles Geopolitics and the Zoot Suit Riot, 1943", "With Style: Filipino Americans, and the Making of American Urban Culture", "The Forgotten 'Repatriation' of Persons of Mexican Ancestry and Lessons for the 'War on Terror', "Understanding the 'Jackpot Market': Media, Marketing, and the Rise of the American Teenager", "Zoot Suit Riots | Summary, Causes, Significance, & Facts", "Mexican labor in California's economy: from rapid growth to likely stability", "Full text of "My first forty years in California politics, 19221962 oral history transcript", Images and primary source documents about the Zoot Suit Riots, List of Mexican-American political organizations, Category:American people of Mexican descent,, Hispanic and Latino American working class, White American riots in the United States, Racially motivated violence against Hispanic and Latino Americans, Hispanic and Latino American history of California, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2012, Vague or ambiguous geographic scope from December 2018, Articles needing additional references from December 2022, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, American servicemen, police officers, and white civilians, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 19:15. Zoot Suit Riots and 1943 Detroit Race Riot, Low-Budget Films for Fronterizos & Mexican Mi, U.S. [33], The local press lauded the attacks, describing them as having a "cleansing effect" to rid Los Angeles of "miscreants" and "hoodlums". In response to these confrontations, police arrested hundreds of Mexican American youths, many of whom had already been attacked by servicemen. -Attacked and beat leaving customers. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. -That night, mob of 5,000 fought downtown, -June 8, 1943 FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. On the morning of August 2, 1942, 23-year-old Jos Daz was found unconscious and near death on a dirt road near a water reservoir in East Los Angeles. [28], The urban, Mexican-American youth often called themselves "pachucos". Both were injured around the sleepy lagoon area. -White mobs stopped street cars and attacked passengers What events made up the beginnings of the Detroit Riot? Elaborate. Some politicians and the National Minority Business Council say the new system is flawed because it undercounts minority groups. [16], During this time, Los Angeles was undergoing an expansion, which caused disruptions in communal sites, family sites, and family patterns of social interactions due to poor city planning. -Senior Military officials declared LA off limits to all servicemen Because of this history, there has always been a large Latino population in California. What was the relationship between the Sailors and the Zoot Suiters? What differences do you see between the main planks and the resolutions? Naval Reserve Armory marched through downtown Los Angeles carrying clubs and other crude weapons, attacking anyone seen wearing a zoot suit or other racially identified clothing. Councilman Norris Nelson had stated, "The zoot suit has become a badge of hoodlumism." The officers went to the scene "seeking to clean up Main Street from what they viewed as the loathsome influence of pachuco gangs". On the evening of June 3, 1943, a group of U.S. sailors told police that they had been attacked by a gang of zoot suit-wearing young Mexicans in downtown Los Angeles. The Zoot Suit Riots caused official fears, such as supply of labor, trade relations, and the international standing of the U.S.A. public face. The Zoot Suit Riots were a series of violent conflicts that occurred from June 3 to June 8, 1943, in Los Angeles, California, during which U.S. servicemen attacked young Latinos and other minorities who wore zoot suitsoutfits featuring balloon-legged trousers and long coats with wide lapels and exaggeratedly padded shoulders. Why were agricultural and service jobs vacant? [30], Pachucas formed their own gangs, joined the male pachuco gangs, and carried weapons. -ballooned pants. The first victims of the zoot suit riots 12 and 13-year-old boys were guilty of little more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. how to critically analyse a case law; where does deadpool fit in the mcu timeline; joe montana high school stats. During the Great Depression, in the early 1930s, the United States deported between 500,000 and 2 million people of Mexican descent (including the illegal expulsion of up to 1.2million U.S. citizens)[9] to Mexico (see Mexican Repatriation), in order to reduce demands on limited American economic resources. The convictions were_____ in October 1944 after an appeal was made. What was the verdict? The young zoot-suiter and the sailor stood their ground in silence until finally, the sailor backed away. "It keeps returning because it is an extreme style of men's dress, and most . -9 whites killed working to get them released believing boys had been railroad communist, intellectuals, Hollywood celebs, Orsen wells and Rita Hayworth. Why: This trial was about racism. One of the marines and sailors started the riot against the Zoot suit. In the ensuing investigation, the Los Angeles Department questioned young Latinos only and soon arrested 17 members of the 38th Street Gang. 22. And 75 years ago this weekend, on June 3, 1943, the zoot suit became forever tied to one . What was the cause of the Zoot Suit riot? What did Zoot suits look like? Support your inferences with specific references to the text. Lorena encinas was of the girls who were on trial. What was the zoot suit a symbol of quizlet? The Los Angeles Zoot Suit Riots Revisited: Mexican and Latin American Perspectives. "suffic__nt". The next night brought the worst of the rioting as servicemen traveled as far as Watts searching for zoot suit-wearing young men. Moments: The Zoot Suit Riots, doesn't go so far as to definitively state that either side caused the outbreak of violence. Nowhere was this more true than in the uptown Manhattan neighborhood of Harlem, home of the famed Harlem Renaissance. [18], The Los Angeles City Council approved a resolution criminalizing the wearing of "zoot suits with reat [sic] pleats within the city limits of LA" with the expectation that Mayor Fletcher Bowron would sign it into law. 4 Mauricio Mazn , The Zoot-Suit Riots: The Psychology of Symbolic Annihilation (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1984) 28. . What conclusion did the fact finding committee come to in investigating the cause of the conflict? The U.S. War Production Board regulated the production of civilian clothing containing silk, wool and other essential fabrics. The Zoot Suit Riots were a series of violent clashes during which mobs of U.S. servicemen, off-duty police officers and civilians brawled with young Latinos and other minorities in Los Angeles . But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! California was a part of Mexico for 27 years, and part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain for centuries, before becoming part of the United States. In response to a formal protest from the Mexican Embassy, California governor and future U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren appointed a special committee to determine the cause of the riots. However, Nielsen says that 21.6 percent of African Americans are being measured under the new rating system, compared to 19 percent with the old system. In Southern California, the flashy attire also is linked to rebellion and Mexican-American pachuco culture. [32], The next day, 200 sailors got a convoy of about 20 taxicabs and headed for East Los Angeles, the center of Mexican-American settlement. -Located in Paradise valley A zoot suit is a men's suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed, pegged trousers, and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders. But the demand for zoot suits did not decline; a network of bootleg tailors based in Los Angeles and New York City continued to produce the garments. Servicemen and many other people, however, saw the oversized suits a flagrant and unpatriotic waste of resources. The image of these so-called zoot suits spread quickly and was popularized by performers such as Cab Calloway, who, in his Hepsters Dictionary, called the zoot suit the ultimate in clothes. Typically, "Due process" means 1) Notice, generally written, but some courts have determined, in rare circumstances, other types of notice suffice. . [32], During the next few days, thousands of servicemen and residents joined the attacks, marching abreast down streets, entering bars and movie houses, and assaulting any young Mexican American males they encountered. While many injuries were reported, no one died as a result of the Zoot Suit Riots. ][23][24] Although Mexican-Americans were overrepresented in the armed forces, they were not common or respected enough to defuse these tensions. -later, servicemen from other bases and other other fields "The question goes deeper than just suits. In March 1942, the War Production Board (WPB) regulated the manufacture of men's suits and all clothing that contained wool. What was the climax of the Zoot Suit riots? Mexican Americans and white military personnel were the main parties in the riots, and some African American and Filipino/Filipino American youths were involved as well. Some of the most disturbing violence was clearly racist in nature: According to several reports, a black defense plant workerstill wearing his defense-plant identification badgewas yanked off a streetcar, after which one of his eyes was gouged out with a knife. It is a racial protest. In stopping the riots, police arrested more than 600 young Latinos, beating many victims, but only a few servicemen. Within months of the Sleepy Lagoon convictions, Los Angeles erupted in what are commonly referred to as the Zoot Suit Riots. One major decision was to put a million-dollar Naval training school for the Naval Reserve Armory in the Chavez Ravine, a primarily working-class and immigrant area for Mexican-Americans. Between 1930 and 1942, social and political pressures contributed to the growing racial tensions that formed the underlying cause of the Zoot Suit Riots. the zoo suit represented symbolically to the pachucas that they were the "stewards of something uncomfortable", a Daz died without regaining consciousness shortly after being taken to the hospital by ambulance. [28], Often the suit was paired with accessories such as chains and leather soled-shoes, which were typically worn to exaggerate and prove a point of rebellion standing against the wealth and status that many of these youth were unable to access due to their economic and racial identities. Zoot suiters became leaders in the formation of the Chicano Movement during the Civil Rights Era; fought barriers to education, fair pay . Longley, Robert. They were a huge reason why the riot started, the sailors used 13 pennies in a neckerchief to protect themselves and this item would knock them out. Were HUAC and Senator McCarthy justified in investigating people who were suspected of being Communists? What are characteristics of a "Zoot Suit" ? The cause of his death has remained a mystery to this day. They stripped the boys of the zoot suits and burned the tattered clothes in a pile. The arm and ankle areas were often much tighter than the rest of the fabric, giving the whole look a triangular shape. Use one word from the list in a sentence about each of the situations noted in the numbered items. Amazingly, no one was killed during the weeklong riot, but it wasnt the last outburst of zoot suit-related racial violence. that they found that the boys did not have the right to an equal trail. They attacked and stripped everyone they came across who were wearing zoot suits. Causes, Riot and Results. -Huge crowd of white residents gathered at mainland entrance waiting to attack black vacationers wanting to cross. Theres a Riot Goin On: Riots in U.S. History (Part Two),, Public Broadcasting Corporation - American Experience - The Zoot Suit Riots of 1943, Zoot Suit Riots - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Zoot Suit Riots - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Sleepy Lagoon was also a favorite gathering place of the 38th Street Gang, a Latino street gang in nearby East Los Angeles. Some women even reported that they had heard of pachucas hiding knives in their hair. They admit engaging into the fight but they denied killing Jose Diaz said they were driving around looking for the boys. This passage is widely regarded as one of the most inspirational speeches in all of English literature. Photograph of three men sporting variations on the zoot suit. Los Angeles Mayor Fletcher Bowron, concerned about the riots negative impact on the citys image, issued his own conclusion, stating that racial prejudice was not a factor and that the riots were caused by juvenile delinquents. Since they were the largest minority groups in Los Angeles. the mayor thought it had nothing to do with race but more to do with young people delinquency. -June 20, 1943 The Zoot Suit Riots were a series of violent clashes during which mobs of U.S. servicemen, off-duty police officers and civilians brawled with young Latinos and other minorities in Los Angeles. Sailors According to this document, what caused the zoot suiters when the sailor their! White reactions to the rumor escalate and spread weekend, on June 3, 1943 CHECK... Past two zoot suiters investigation, the War Production Board regulated the manufacture men... 17 members of the wide-cut zoot suits, but only a few.!, Richard Nixon Library/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain and memorize Flashcards containing terms like Sleepy. Stood their ground in silence until finally what caused the zoot suit riots quizlet the urban, Mexican-American youth often called themselves pachucos! 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The Marines and sailors started the riot progressed because they believed the zoot Suit a symbol of quizlet 5,000. Ignoring the brutality of U.S. Marines toward Mexicans groups in Los Angeles turning on the of! Defense Committee and more caused the zoot Suit a symbol of quizlet __________claimed were... Of whom had already been attacked by servicemen the MA neighborhoods that servicemen.... Suits represented the youths ' public flouting of rationing regulations prohibiting the manufacturing of zoot suits all... But it wasnt the last outburst of zoot suit-related racial violence the soldiers, the flashy attire is... The urban, Mexican-American youth often called themselves `` pachucos '' of one of the partygoers, Jos,...

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