They are wired to look after and protect the people they care about and are likely to make great parents and leaders. Public and private; extrovert and introvert; bright or brooding; lightyet intense; powerful; ambitious; shrewd; whole-hearted; intense; a sense of dramaand poetry; the determined pursuit of excellence. Our ascendant affects what people we are attracted to, and vice versa. People with Sagittarius rising in their charts typically do best with Aries or Leo ascendants. Rising/Ascendant: Leo ascendants bask in the glow of sunlight, radiating positivity and charm. Possessing the bravest of You should not permit yourself to use it to boss others as you wish. Cond Nast Traveler does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. With ambition fueling their dreams no matter how hard or risky the journey may be, these folks knew exactly who to call on- Tenacity from Scorpios topped off by doses of determination from Leos! Sometimes you can be crabby and impatient and exhibit a snappish temper. In fact, this area of your life stays busy throughout the month as the alignment is followed by an Aries New Moon on Tuesday, March 21, and another alignment between Mercury and Jupiter on Monday, March 27, indicating a great time for travel related to home and family as welllike visiting relatives or searching for a place to relocate to. If you add to that the tendency to lock yourself in an oyster, do not be surprised when people say that you are introverted, stubborn and distrustful. March is also a big month for career developments as Venus, the planet responsible for your profession, enters its home sign of Taurus on March 16, making way for positive experiences like recognition within your field, opportunities for advancement, successful launches, and new positions. We don't collect your IP address. Sun: Geminis are chatty and talkative, priding themselves on being in-the-know when it comes to news and gossip. The influence of Pluto bestows powerful feelings and emotions, a sense of purpose, persistence, determination, plus the imagination and ability to make a successful start in a new direction. Cond Nast Traveler may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. To top it off, Leos knack for no-nonsense communication makes these folks formidable when tackling lifes challenges head-on! This symbolizes a pleasurable, creative, or joyous opportunity coming your way with work that could look like a lucrative new business partnership, landing a new job, or an exciting new project to tackle. Rising/Ascendant: Gemini risings are quick-witted, fast communicators, always looking for unique ways to express themselves. Astrologically, the sun represents our drive, ego, and pride. Whether youll find yourself connecting more with nearby family, or simply exploring your city for the fun of it, you can find a lot of fulfillment and growth through these activities. If youre traveling this month, take advantage of this time by fully immersing yourself in your experience while there. Congratulate yourself! If you are domineering, it is a subtle dominance, a kind of mind control. Scorpios usually experience the best rising sign compatibility with other water signs like Cancer or Pisces. Scorpio (Born November 3 to 12) and Scorpio Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Scorpio: March 2023 Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends We offer interpretations of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Ascendant in the signs: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Hyper-Protective Scorpion - The scorpio sun Cancer moon man or woman exudes strength and sensitivity. Your life takes place in a remote, secluded place, perhaps to better investigate your research projects. They are also very loyal and protective of their loved ones. The power you have is backed by deep spiritual knowledge. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. People with this rising sign are always on the move, as they love new experiences and are always after a good time. They can also be compatible with water signs like Cancer or Pisces but are total opposites with Aquarius ascendants. However, it is possible that your views are too utopian and ahead of their time to be translated into concrete works. Finally, youll be able to take action instead of ruminating, and feel settled and grounded once again. Why not both. They are ethical and strive to do what they think is right. Scorpio Sun Leo Moon Capricorn Rising people possess an unshakable fortitude that equips them to deal with adversity. They are also very sentimental and may keep Venus enters its home sign of Taurus on Thursday, March 16, leaving the latter half of the month characterized by a shift into prioritizing comfort, quality, and the simple pleasures of life. What she wants the most is to be They may base their decisions upon how they are viewed by others. Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason. However, you are also very creative and sympathetic. Mars enters Cancer, your twelfth house of solitude, retreat, and contemplation on Saturday, March 25, making it a great time to escape. With a Scorpio Sun Leo Moon, you are determined to follow that impossible dream of yours, you have no time for those who stand in your way. As Saturn shifts in your sixth house of work and wellness, your responsibilities transition from solidifying your creative practice to stepping into your soul work and taking better care of your physical body. Cancer Rising individuals are also clever with money, prudent and cautious, and have a native shrewdness in business. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. You are touchy, and others have to be careful of what they say lest they hurt your feelings. All you want is to study. Mars finally leaves Gemini on Saturday, March 25, when it will enter Cancer, your ninth house of international travel, journeys, and new experiences. Consider what you value most in life and the ways you can honor those values as you make a living. From this point forward, travel becomes more about work and career, which could begin to involve people from different places. Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. With a strong sense of the dramatic, you rarely do things halfway, and your actions and behavior are usually designed to attract attention. These natives may However, they never display all their cards and prefer to keep themselves a mystery. Pisces is your second house of finances, income, spending, and material items, so when Saturn moves into this area of your life, your focus shifts toward understanding how to create financial stability for yourself. However, you also have a lot of creativity and originality. We start March with one of the most auspicious planetary arrangements of the year: an exact alignment of Venus and Jupiter in your rising sign, Aries, on Wednesday, March 1. With such a powerful fusion working together in Having a Leo Sun Cancer Moon, you are creative, highly emotional, open-minded, and above all imaginative, with the proper motivation you could achieve anythingif you had any ambition. And some will find themselves involved in charitable work, spending much time helping the disabled or poor. Scorpio Sun with Leo Moon and Cancer Rising Sun in Scorpio with Moon in Leo and Cancer Rising Personality Traits: The Scorpio Sun Leo Moon combination can produce the ultimate pleasure-seeker and self-indulgent sensualist, or it can produce If you have Scorpio rising, you may be suspicious of others and sometimes act coldly towards them. Discover how a Scorpio Sun Leo Moon combo might spice up your life! Hes magnetic and a natural-born leader with an unbreakable confidence that can light up any room he enters. Discover how a Scorpio Sun Leo Moon combo might spice up your life! For the last five years, youve worked harder than ever to establish yourself through your career, and by making and solidifying your community. For the last three years, Saturn has moved through Aquarius, your ninth house of international travel and higher education, and youve been able to develop a more holistic sense of the world, solidifying your perspective on life. If youve felt trapped for the last six months, you arent alone. Venus in Taurus is all about enjoying the little things in life. Do you get angry very often? Seeking support is important, for the eighth house is a place of reciprocity. The Aries rising sign is known for being independent, assertive, and confident. Your quick understanding of problems, combined with your depth of thought, makes you ideal for any research task. WebTaurus Sun, Leo Moon, Scorpio Ascendant These individuals have a magnetic gaze and know how to charm everyone with their demeanor. You possess great imagination and awareness. Highly romantic and idealistic, you know how to give-and-take in love. Know that this is another long journey that youre embarking on and that you wont encounter a clear path right away. Leaders by nature, these determined souls will be setting out on an expedition in pursuit of greatness! But watch out Scorpio Suns with Leo Moons and Capricorn Risings tend to be very possessive to those closest to them like an overprotective tiger cub guarding its momma bear. Since Scorpio is fixed and Leo is cardinal, this placement is a natural-born leader. Both of you are very sensitive and intuitive about others needs and feelings, and become deeply attached to people. You are one of a kind! It is interesting how they feel strongly attracted to hot-tempered Aries signs, despite their own peaceful nature. The time of day you were born determines your rising sign. Eroticism plays a fundamental role in your life. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return? Maybe a sculptor and also a good chef. If you were born with Scorpio Rising, you put the whole force of your personality behind everything you do. The biggest shift this month takes place on March 7, when Saturn enters Pisces after three years of moving through Aquarius. You are a charming, witty conversationalist, but the acute observer will soon notice that it is the other person who is doing most of the talking. I've loved writing since I can remember, and back in high school, I started loving psychology as well. Rising/Ascendant: The Pisces ascendant commits fully to their beliefs, and has an active imagination. You possess all the powers: passion from your Leo Moon, the intensity from your Scorpio Sun, and ambition, thanks to those bonkers Capricorn vibes. Scorpio Sun Leo Moon personalities are a sight to behold they have the zeal of a comet, ambition as deep and dark as space itself, and creative confidence that radiates like stars. Pluto, the planet of total and complete transformation, power struggles, death, and rebirth, will be testing the waters in Aquarius until June 11, so pay attention to what shifts you notice during this time, personally and around you. Scorpio Sun Leo Moon men are a force to be reckoned with. The rising sign fine-tunes your Scorpio characteristics so that each Scorpio is unique. 1. These are highly active, Your loves may be more fiction than real. Rest assured; these two will be loyal and encouraging in each others professional endeavors no matter how deep they dive into heated conversations. Youre bound to make some important connections this month, so say yes to invitations that could lead to networking opportunities. Although its closely related to appearance and how you are seen by others, keep in mind that the effort you put into your relationships would be more important than your rising sign compatibility. However, you are also very loyal and protective of your loved ones. One of the biggest shifts of the month occurs on Tuesday, March 7 when Saturn enters Pisces for the first time in 30 years. They are also very creative and often have a strong intuition. You may find yourself returning home after a long voyage, or traveling to a place you consider a homeland. Once you do, however, you are loyal and devoted. Moon: Virgo Moons use their calm nature to gain deep clarity on matters, filtering questions through their kind, but reasonable, lens. [Step-By-Step Guide], Rising Sign Compatibility for Each Zodiac Sign, rising signs change their position every few hours, Cancer rising sign can either soften ones personality, This rising signs ruling planet is Saturn, 5 Must-Have Spiritual Tools You Can Use for Daily Spiritual Practices, Why Do I Twitch When I Sleep? They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it. They are charming, popular, and flirtatious. If youre traveling during this time, seek creative and pleasure-oriented activities such as seeing a show, crafting, and of course, fun dates. With such a powerful fusion working together in harmony within us all, its no wonder why this select crowd is often seen as ultra-special! Its hard to briefly speak on a transit that will last over two decades, but for now, know that all you have to do is pay attention to the ways you notice yourself changing. Its a great moment for artists and creatives of all typesyou may be looking at an exciting new project or opportunity. The Capricorn rising sign is known for being responsible, disciplined, and ambitious. Scorpios are famous for their emotional depth and ardent spirit, but a supernatural determination lies at the core of this intensity. A lot of that has been done through your travels and deep exploration into other cultures. He loves spending time with his family and writing about astrology and numerology. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tim is a father and works in the marketing field. While Venus moves through the sign, you may feel called to focus on healing emotional wounds that have gone untreated for too long. Your aspirations are the most adventurous. Though you usually have to climb the ladder through your own efforts (rather than the efforts of others), you are likely to accumulate material success as the years go by. Astrologer's note: Below we refer to your signs as rising signs, also known as your ascendant sign. Though loyalty and consistency are your ideals, you are often the first to betray them. When it comes to zodiac compatibility, a Gemini rising sign typically does best with other air signs like Libra or Aquarius. Are you involved in an activity or job that will lead to a more secure future? Pay attention to the shifts in your desire to form new connections: Your circle is becoming smaller, and thats a good thing, because your energy is becoming more valuable. You have an overwhelming personality. Maybe youre just starting to put yourself out there for the first time in a long time, or maybe youve recently endured heartbreak or disappointment. With Mars in Cancer until May 20, you can finally take action toward what youve been ruminating on for the last six months. Tim has been writing about these topics for almost 15 years, and he loves learning about meditation and how it plays a big role in his daily life. Now, as Saturn leaves Aquarius to enter Pisces, your focus and responsibilities shift toward developing and solidifying valuable skill sets. This connection speaks volumes about who YOU are; Mysterious yet self-assured, passionate but determinedall creating one heck of a force that cant hide its inner fire! With Scorpio sun and Scorpio rising, you have all the flaws and virtues of the sign. The Scorpio rising sign is intense, passionate, and secretive. You have three years to explore this area, so theres no rush, but spend time this month starting this work. WebMoon Cancer-Moon Scorpio. On March 16, Venus leaves Aries for Taurus, its home sign which shifts your focus a bit to the trust required to maintain relationships. The Moon Phase you were born under further refines your Moon Sign, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may feel called to put some funds toward a big trip, and once Mars enters Cancer on March 25, decision-making regarding travel will become a lot simpler and more straightforward so you can begin booking flights and accommodations you have your eye on. How you take care of yourself and others throughout these changes is what matters the most. The month starts with one of the most auspicious alignments of the year: Venus and Jupiter will come together in the sky on March 1 (visible in the western sky after sunset) symbolizing a potent opportunity to make new acquaintances that could lead to exciting creative endeavors, romance, or just enriching fun. February 25, 2023. Jupiter has been in your sixth house of work, service, and wellness since December, but on March 1, it's joined by Venus, a special and auspicious alignment that will be visible in the western sky after sunset. The cosmic wisdom of an astrologer could help magnify your strengths and point out areas for improvement unlocking that magnetic Scorpio Sun/Leo Moon combination in no time! Your willpower will guide you on the path of progress. In fact, some people believe that your rising sign actually reveals your true self, while your sun sign is more like a mask that you wear in public. Its very important for you to learn to listen as well as talk; tolerance for others is a virtue you must cultivate. The Scorpio It has traveled through Aquarius, your twelfth house, since 2020. You know how to make wise investments and where to get the best value. Take a moment to be proud of all youve accomplished. Just guard against jealousy and possessiveness: You have a tendency to want to reshape the lone you love to suit your fancy, or in your own image. As a lover, you are of the most passionate type, but a bit impatient. Follow Lisa on Instagram for her daily horoscopes @lisastardustastro. Have you ever felt like a trifecta of cosmic forces combined to shape your identity? Their dualistic nature allows them to see situations from a number of perspectives. With Scorpio Rising, you are usually quietly watching, waiting, observing filing away information that will be useful later on. Venus will be in Taurus until April 11, so soak it up while it lasts. Behave with more moderation and you will be rewarded. Here are the descriptions of Scorpio with each rising sign. You need and deserve rest. Rising/Ascendant: Virgo ascendants are the fact-finders and checkers of the zodiac. Of course, this applies to all types of relationships, not just romantic ones, and includes business partners, clients, close friends, and anyone else you form a close one-on-one bond with. In astrology, its important to consider the compatibility between each rising sign. Scorpio Sun Leo Moon lovers are the real deal! If they propose marriage, dont run away in terror. Aries ascendants tend to have good relations with people with a Pisces ascendant and are usually incompatible with Virgo signs. Emotional; vulnerable; ardent; self-dramatizing; funny; poetic; intuitive; individualistic; big-hearted; love of family life; sociable; sensitive; under- standing; maternal/paternal; proud; colorful and receptive personality. You pick up opinions, thoughts, facts from all around you and, being very clever and practical (as well as visionary), you are able to put all this information to work for you. The Virgo rising sign is known for being modest, analytical, and reliable. Your Capricorn Rising is the ultimate shield against lifes chaos, helping to keep you grounded and focused. That changes when Mars enters Cancer, a cardinal sign that is known for initiating. Self-respect reinforces your inner strength to overcome obstacles, but it also leads to arrogance and the inability to humble yourself to learn a craft or develop your talents so they may be successfully explored and expressed. You will not be able to inspire the slightest confidence this way. Since 2020, Saturn has been in Aquarius, your second house of finances, income, and purchases. You are also relentless in love: you know how to create very intimate bonds. In short? You have been through difficult situations in which your health and that of those around you has been tested. Your email address will not be published. Venus is the planet of art, beauty, and aesthetics after all, so why not treat yourself to a fresh haircut? However, you are also generous and warm-hearted. It takes a while for you to let someone get really close. On the positive side, you can be a very affectionate and generous partner. You will not always reap the rewards of your effort when you want it. Both Venus and Jupiter are considered benefics meaning they bestow blessings and pleasurable opportunities, which only increases when they come together every year. Stop and take in the little things, savor every sweet moment, and allow yourself to feel blissed out. Cancer has the virtue of appeasing the aggressiveness of Scorpio a bit, so these signs form a fairly harmonious combination. With a Leo Sun Cancer Moon, self-acceptance is your greatest gift. As with all natives of Moon in Cancer, you need the comfort and stability of a home base of operations. The first two weeks of March are great for retreat and escapist travel, especially with friends or other members of your community (maybe even coworkers). Whether you entered into a new long-term relationship, ended a serious partnership, or experienced stagnancy with love and dating, its likely youve grown quite a bit in this area of life since 2020. Your knowledge of the human mind makes others open to you and reveal their most intimate secrets. This tri-powered combo of Scorpio, Leo Capricorn energies offers an exciting mix. You wont hog the spotlight, but on the other hand you want public recognition for your talents. Theyre courageous and fully ready to make their wishes known, push for what they want, and let the chips fall where they will. Lisa Stardust is a New York City-based astrologer. They're also thought to have a stubborn, loyal and grounded personality. In love, you are a die-hard and a libertine. Horoscopes are more accurate when read this wayusing your birth time and location, you can quickly find your rising sign online (it takes less than 30 seconds). You will also channel your energies through adventure. To succeed, your quest must be limited by social and moral restrictions. This quality will make you gain high social positions. You carry everything to the end regardless of the consequences. Having Scorpio Rising, though you are sometimes viewed as a lone wolf, you do have an ability to work with peopleactually, to lead people. This is because the sun is in an intuitive sign, while the fiery Leo moon can help to bring out the potential and clear away any shadows that may block intuition. If it were just your look, there would be no problem. Venus enters Taurus on Thursday, March 16, where it will stay until April 11, making the few weeks in between perfect for exploration. The Gemini rising sign is known for being versatile, curious, and adaptable. You can convince anyone of anything, so you must choose very well who you are around. Rising signs change every two hours. If you were born under a Leo rising sign, you may be bossy and arrogant. Crisp like an apple crunchy enough that no detail falls through! The Scorpio Sun Leo Moon woman will not hesitate to use her sexuality to get what she wants. However, you are also very reliable and always try to do the right thing. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them. If you ever need someone strong in charge or just an inspiring leader, nothing beats calling on a Scorpio Sun! If youre a Scorpio Sun Leo Moon Capricorn Rising individual, congrats! If you have Cancer Rising, you are likely to have a round expressive face, pale luminous eyes, slender arms and legs, and a rolling gait to your walk. Saturn in Pisces, your 12th house of solitude, retreat, and contemplation, over the next three years allows you the time and space to distance yourself from the collective so that you can eventually come to a better, more holistic understanding of your contributions to society, and how those efforts can become easier to sustain. But, once you get to know them, they are caring souls. And what does it all mean? With your leadership ability, intelligence, depth, you have all the qualities necessary to realize your ambitions on a grand scale. Since your inner nature is free of many of the hang-ups and much of inner turmoil that plague so many others, you risk adopting an attitude of smug complacency. Its an excellent month for travel, especially with a few busy months ahead. Saturn has put a lot of pressure on you, to the point where you may have started to feel stifled or stagnant when it comes to your creativity and your ability to play. Virgo rising individuals can easily attract a Pisces partner, as the latter feel really inspired by Virgos hardworking nature. You may dedicate yourself to journalism. Although ascendant signs are drawn by similarities, some of them feel more attracted towards the differences (e.g. They are also compatible with earth signs like Virgo or Capricorn but are highly incompatible with Scorpio ascendants. We close out the month with your ruling planet, Mars, finally leaving Gemini for Cancer, your fourth house of home, family, land, and rooting. Your friends may say that you have too much pride under your great tenderness and sympathy. Also, see Moon / Ascendant Combinations and Sun / Ascendant Combinations Cancer; Leo; Virgo; Libra; Scorpio; Sagittarius; Capricorn; Aquarius; Pisces; Trending Celebrity Charts. Scorpio Sun-Leo Moon-Cap Rising individuals are intrinsically motivated to leave an impression on the world. Will I Pass a Background Check with Misdemeanors? For those with a Scorpio Sun Leo Moon combination, success is inevitable. With Cancer Rising, acclaim and applause can be hard to come by, so you tend to have a way of feeling sorry for yourself. This is a special moment when the two planets that tend to bring positivity and opportunity come together to bless this area of your life. As an individual with a Scorpio Sun Leo Moon, your imagination works overtime and your vision is far-reaching, but there are times when your emotions just carry you awaycausing you to lose perspective and fabricate all kinds of illusions. Find yourself returning home after a good time 's note: Below we refer to your signs as rising,... An expedition in pursuit of greatness feel strongly attracted to, and vice versa our on..., but a supernatural determination lies at the core of this time by immersing. Are loyal and grounded once again the virtue of appeasing the aggressiveness of Scorpio, Leo Capricorn energies offers exciting... 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